A decade of New Year’s Eve glasses, ranked by how dumb they looked
This Is a Real Movie
The questions pile up. Is it a joke? Is that the most outlandish plot ever? Is “unwittingly” the word that is carrying the most water in what is unmistakably a champion of a sentence? He trained a dolphin to assassinate the president, ok it’s weird but I get it. But he did it by accident?! Tell me more! I would ask exactly how this dolphin was going to kill the president, but unfortunately the artwork is a pretty huge spoiler by today’s standards… unless it’s speculative? I mean, does the dolphin assassin succeed? Is the president now dead?!
Was there a mid-70s wave of dolphin assassin films? Am I wading into heretofore uncharted waters (sorry) of cinematic excitement? There certainly was a rash of “Day of” + animal movies. Day of the Jackal, Three Days of the Condor. But these aren’t about actual jackals and condors. Did this production team, rushing to cash in on the day-of-the-animal craze, take things too literally?
Speaking of production teams. Day of the Dolphin, produced by Asylum Films. I get it. Produced by Roger Corman, totally can see that. But Day of the Dolphin a 70s mainstream auteur cinema project directed by Mike Nichols and written by Buck Henry?!
Is this a real movie?
‘Never On Tuesday’: The Real Story Of The Bizarre Nicolas Cage Cameo That Lit Up The Internet
Thanks for the link, y. Great clip but mostly I want to mention this anecdote:
I had gone to a party that he was at, maybe a year before. A friend said, “Oh, you want to go to a party that Nic Cage is having?” We went to an apartment in a famous old building called El Royale in Hollywood. Went up to whatever floor the party was on. There were very few people there. And Nic was there with Crispin Glover. I’m not even sure if it was Nic or Crispin Glover’s apartment, but there was a giant aquarium and there was a baby shark just swimming back and forth inside. He just sitting on the end of the bed, and he sat there for maybe an hour just watching the shark going up and down.
Literature Society: Garfield: Year One
Nathan Rabin:
When introduced to readers in the disco-crazed days of 1978, Garfield bore only a slight resemblance to the adorable icon of bland conformity we know today. His face was shaped like a giant pair of swollen testicles with ears and his eyes were tiny little marbles, as black, icy and death-like as the eyes of a shark about to strike.
Here’s a thing I made with Retrontario. Get ready to blow pot, burnouts.
•Japan’s Iga city ‘does not need ninjas’ after reports it was hiring
What a mixup!
NPR had posted a summary which said that Iga “is facing a serious problem, there aren’t enough people training to be ninjas, not even for $85k a year”.
“That characterisation was incorrect,” an NPR spokesman told the BBC.
But those reports led at least 115 ninja hopefuls from 23 countries to contact Iga officials, enquiring about possible jobs.
‘Gordon Ramsay’s Fairytale Toilet Kitchen Nightmare,’ Today’s Comic by Michael Kupperman
The Tortured Mind Of Dan Harmon | GQ
Great profile by Sean O’Neal.
The political alignments of Mario Kart characters
Greatest video ever?
Aka Jimmi Simpson who plays William on Westworld
•‘Fox & Friends,’ stuck with Donald Trump for all eternity
Why Hollywood Won’t Cast Cary Elwes Anymore
Just read the whole thing if you like good writing. Trust me.
‘The Simpsons’ To ‘The Problem With Apu’: Drop Dead
Scalding Hot Takes: Ready Player One
Nathan Rabin:
Yes, Ready Player One spent 140 minutes jerking me off but instead of pleasure or release, all I experienced was rawness, bleeding and painful chafing.
Wilbur Ross Shakes Self Awake After Briefly Dying During Cabinet Meeting
Pizza Hut’s Pie Tops II sneakers can order a pizza and pause your TV
Trump’s Hair Illusion Came Undone and We All Missed It
How Facebook Is Killing Comedy
Behold, Steve Bannon’s Hip-Hop Shakespeare Rewrite: ‘Coriolanus’