Angry Robot

Rogue One’s best visual effects happened while the camera was rolling

Some really interesting techniques here

War Scrapbook Page 14

This post is part of The Sankey War Scrapbook project.

Dazzling colour photographs of 1950s and 60s Toronto at night – love these. Didn’t know The Bloor used to be called the Midtown. I grew up right near here. is an open-source Twitter competitor

Come, warm your hands by the burning carcass of (Sorry, was that cynical? I do hope it works but I think it’s not quite ready for its Verge article)

Hieronymus Bosch Action Figure

Hieronymus Bosch Action Figures

How Uber Uses Psychological Tricks to Push Its Drivers’ Buttons

I never wanted to be an Uber driver, but now I really don’t want to be an Uber driver.

Daring Fireball: The Mac Pro Lives

Why FBI Can’t Tell All on Trump, Russia

Super-deep dive on Felix Sater. Shows how far back the Trump-Russia stuff goes.

Our investigation also may explain why the FBI, which was very public about its probe of Hillary Clinton’s emails, never disclosed its investigation of the Trump campaign prior to the election, even though we now know that it commenced last July. Such publicity could have exposed a high-value, long-running FBI operation against an organized crime network headquartered in the former Soviet Union. That operation depended on a convicted criminal who for years was closely connected with Trump, working with him in Trump Tower — while constantly informing for the FBI and the Department of Justice (DOJ), and being legally protected by them.

War Scrapbook Page 13

This post is part of The Sankey War Scrapbook project.

The Dallas Runaway Cart GIF

"This GIF has so many characters and subplots, it's like a Shakespearean tragedy"

Indeed. It even has its own oral history article, which contains this amazing quote:

I was hurt probably more than I’d ever been hurt before. But honestly, it was hilarious. I laughed like crazy for about 15 minutes the first time I watched that video, and for the next three or four months I’d just pull that video up and laugh. I was like, man, that cart didn’t have nobody on it, and I wondered if it was Bugs Bunny was driving it or something. There was just something hilarious about that video. I mean, nobody was even driving it!

(via Josh Marshall's twitter, which had a lot of amazing discussion of the GIF he calls "the last supper of fail")

War Scrapbook Page 12

This post is part of The Sankey War Scrapbook project.