Empire etc.
The birth of an empire from the ashes of a republic – that’s the idea that drew me to Caesar. What happened, exactly? I can’t say I know yet, but as I’m sure you’ve heard it’s now safe to use the term ‘empire’ in an appreciative way – with precious little thought given to the boring ol’ consequences of such a grand strategic shift. So why not read this – it’s a thing done by an Indian economic journal, on the topic of America’s Grand Scheme. I can’t vouch for it’s accuracy (especially since I wonder whether the US has a Grand Scheme at all), but it’s nonetheless noteworthy if only as a glimpse of how other world powers’ view of the US has changed drastically. It’s a long read, but worth it, in This Reporter’s Opinion.
Of special note: this page mentions a newly-established “Preemptive Operations Group” (P2OG) whose purpose is to provoke terrorist attack. This page details just how horrible things have gotten in Afghanistan, and to a lesser extent Pakistan.