Angry Robot

That'll do 'er, then, I guess

The bulk of this weblog’s redesign is complete. Here’s what’s new.

As an excuse to toy around with my unordered list style:

So there ya go, fair reader. Next on the agenda:

Enough of that. You get the idea.

7 comments on "That'll do 'er, then, I guess"

  1. ÿ says:

    i also don’t see ‘post’ or ‘preview’ or ‘forget’ (explorer 5.2)

  2. ÿ says:

    looks awesome just the same…

  3. D says:

    Should be better now?

  4. ÿ says:

    problemo still not fixed.

  5. D says:

    Clear your cache.

  6. marijke says:

    it’s fixed for me now…

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