That'll do 'er, then, I guess
The bulk of this weblog’s redesign is complete. Here’s what’s new.
As an excuse to toy around with my unordered list style:
- search feature, using the new built-in MT search
- menus for archive selection
- fun stuff with the ‘recent comments’ list: mouse over the number to see the author of the last comment; click there to jump right to that comment
- more navigation choices on individual entry pages
- now using XHTML strict
- RSS feed now available – well, it always was, but I never linked to it
- mozilla users will see a usable ‘site navigation bar’
- most of the little messy bits should be cleaned up now – I think there still are problems with IE 5.5, but IE 6/Win looks good.
- I’ve been trying to make the site more accessible – this will be a gradual thing but I’m getting there.
So there ya go, fair reader. Next on the agenda:
- make a print stylesheet, just in case some maniac ever wants to print off a page from this site… boy what a make-work project!
- use Regex to sub in some pithy name (“anonymous shitbag”?) when people forget to enter a name with their comment
- ‘D’ brand mayonnaise, ‘D’ brand legwarmers and headbands
Enough of that. You get the idea.
i also don’t see ‘post’ or ‘preview’ or ‘forget’ (explorer 5.2)
looks awesome just the same…
Should be better now?
problemo still not fixed.
Clear your cache.
it’s fixed for me now…
it worky!