Angry Robot

Scarborough Subway Escapes Scrutiny Despite Mistakes and Missteps

What an embarrassment

Why Facts Don’t Change Our Minds

Denial Is Not A Strategy for Confronting North Korea

Richard Painter says the DOJ demands on AT&T and CNN are ‘impeachable offense’

“ATT – Time Warner should take DOJ to court ASAP. Demand discovery of all Trump/WH communications on this deal,” Painter, an outspoken Trump critic, wrote, adding, “Use of antitrust enforcement power to punish CNN for exercise of First Amendment rights is an impeachable offense. The time is now.”

How to Read the JFK Assassination Files

Big document dump coming today!

“I Hate Everyone in the White House!”: Trump Seethes as Advisers Fear the President Is “Unraveling”


A ‘game-changer’: Jagmeet Singh ‘kicks the door open’ and wins NDP leadership

Singh, who is Sikh, is the first non-white leader of a major federal party in Canada. He is also only the third NDP leader to have been elected on the first ballot, after Tommy Douglas, the party’s first leader, and Jack Layton.

Germany’s Election Results are Troubling — and It’s not just the Rise of the Right

John Judis on how reform of the EU may be impossible now because of the German electoral results

The best way to end oppression is to very politely ask oppressors to please stop oppressing you. Also, consider getting them a gift certificate for The Cheesecake Factory. Oppressors love The Cheesecake Factory.

Ontario introducing $50,000 fines for careless drivers causing death

That’s great, but I hate how the Liberals don’t do anything unless there’s an election on the horizon. They could have saved lives by doing this years ago.

Should We Be Punching Nazis?

Josh Marshall:

Nazis deserve to get punched. A few sucker punches here and there probably send a salutary message. But it’s not always wise to give people what they deserve.

Stephen Bannon Out at the White House After Turbulent Run

Trump’s Council of C.E.O.s in Disarray Following Remarks on Protest

Was just spouting off to y about how I expected all of his CEOs on advisory councils to have resigned by now, and at least that is in motion.

‘The moment when it really started to feel insane’: An oral history of the Scaramucci era

Via Funkaoshi. Looks like I picked a heck of a ten days to go on vacation and then get sick. My favourite part is “Pickle”.

Anthony Scaramucci Called Me to Unload About White House Leakers, Reince Priebus, and Steve Bannon

Wow. Trump hires the top people.

The Dirtbag Left and the Problem of Dominance Politics

Jeet Heer on Chapo and how they want moderate Democrats to “bend the knee” to the Sanders wing. He ties it to Trump-style dominance politics and argues it’s doomed to fail for the left. It’s an interesting take, but I’m not sold. I think some measure of browbeating could work well if paired with a more inclusive outreach effort. Which obviously should not be left to Chapo. (And is it me or is Chapo getting a lot of press these days?)

What Mark Zuckerberg Gets Wrong About Universal Basic Income

Trump Stumbling into War in Syria

The U.S. now finds itself in a much more dangerous situation in the Middle East, where the war against ISIS, which has broad bipartisan support, could become a wider regional conflict of the type that Trump specifically promised to avoid.

Corbyn Won Because Hope Turned the Unthinkable Into Reality

The gleeful anti-Corbyn Cassandras were wrong – deafeningly, magnificently wrong – because they thought that politics was first of all about numbers, rather than people: a dead Newtonian science, the calculation of inert bodies.

Notes From An Emergency

Speaking of Maciej Cegłowski, here is the text of a recent talk. Lots here on the rise of the nationalist right and its use of tech, the “feudal internet” of huge tech companies that dominate our online lives, and what can be done about it.

The Brexit no-one wanted

How Congress dismantled federal Internet privacy rules

After lobbying from nice organizations like the major telecoms, advertisers, Facebook and Google, while everyone else was distracted by the Trump shitshow, Republicans gutted Obama-era laws preventing ISPs from selling your browsing history. Because clearly what the world needs is more creepy microtargeted psychometric manipulation

‘Theresa May Has Totally F*cked It Up’ Tory Candidate Lets Rip At Dire Election Campaign


The Data That Turned the World Upside Down

This is an article from January about Cambridge Analytica using psychometrics for the Trump in 2016 – the same company that worked for the Brexit campaign, and is tied to both Bannon and Robert Mercer.

The one little number that — so far — is all the protection Donald Trump needs

That number is 84 percent, Trump’s job approval rating among Republicans in the most recent weekly average from Gallup.

This will keep Hill Republicans behind him until those numbers start to sag.