Angry Robot


The 13 Most Shameless Super Mario Rip-Offs on iPhone

What, no Duper Dario Dros? (via)

The Feed

(There may well be a few housekeeping posts as a result of the redesign. This is certainly one of them.)

If you are following this site via its RSS feed, I have a public service announcement for you.

For a long time, blog owners have used a service called Feedburner to improve their management of RSS feeds. Feedburner lets you track your subscribers, see which links are clicked on, makes podcast feeds easy, etc. The service became successful, and thus was bought by Google for $100-million, and for a while, things were fine.

Until recently. Google announced that the Feedburner APIs were deprecated. This doesn’t mean that Feedburner feeds are going away, but it does make many of us concerned about Google’s enthusiasm for the product and how this may affect the rosiness of its future.

Just to be safe, if you think of it, you could switch your feed to the following new official, excellent, non-3rd-party-reliant URL: Angry Robot RSS Feed.

Sony's steep learning process

The Deadly Rooms of Derek Yu

Interview with the creator of “Spelunky”

Voyages in Concussion Land: the homeless, Sidney Crosby and me

Tabatha Southey on concussions. Lots of fascinating details:

 <blockquote>        <p>The study concluded that 53 per cent of the 904 men and women it examined who were in homeless shelters had sustained a traumatic brain injury, compared with an 8.5 per cent lifetime prevalence rate among the general population… Significantly, 70 per cent of those people had suffered their injury before they became homeless.</p>   </blockquote>

Reince Priebus Forced Back Into Ancient Puzzle Box After Being Tricked Into Saying Name Backwards

“Whenever there’s been a major historical movement toward eliminating social programs, the deceptive elf Reince Priebus has typically been involved”

Here’s my prescription for reviving medicare

actually pretty decent article from the Globe.

The U.S. comparison is a bogeyman […] Put the U.S. example aside and instead compare Canadian medicare with other largely public health-care systems in the world: Alas, Canada’s performance is only average at best when judged by money spent versus results.

India’s improbable champion for affordable feminine hygiene

great story

Tapbots releases Netbot for

I’m considering signing up

Lucille and Mitt

Review: Amazon Kindle Paperwhite really shines


Behold, New Design

Months ago I set a goal: have a redesign of this site done before my new kid is born. I am just barely making it – kid is due in less than a week. Yeah I should be building a crib right now (kidding, there’s no way I could do that! It would have nails sticking out and shit!)

My pre-parental responsibilities are unshirked, sirs – worry not. Yet here we are, flashy new design. And what would a redesign be without a long, navel-gazing blog post? Funny you should ask!… NOTHING!, I SAY!


This is what I wanted to do:

Unfortunately, I’m a total hack at web stuff. I dip in every few years, discover the field has changed radically, try to patch something together, struggle for weeks with a lot of trial-and-error, heavy on the error. So as per usual I haven’t tested this in the major browsers THAT thoroughly. But I think most of these checkboxes got checked.

Known issues:

If you see problems other than this stuff, can you let me know? It would be greatly appreciated.

The Poochie Legacy: Absence Makes the Franchise Grow Longer

Everything I Know About Producing, Pt. 1

When Ted Hope wants to tell you everything he knows about producing, you listen.

Oscar-O-Meter™: The A.V. Club’s 2012 fall prestige-movie guide, part 1

A new future for videogame consoles?


There Is No Disintermediation

Reducing Authoring Time with Textpattern Bookmarklets

FYI, I will be on-and-off tweaking the site over the next few days. If things are broken, that’s probably why.

Why Louie is the next stage in the evolution of the TV sitcom

Meeting A Troll…

Why Sony, and the PlayStation brand, could be in more trouble than you think

poor old Sorny

Globe and Mail, or Cut and Paste?

Colby Cosh on the Wente “bizarre sort of multiple ethical seizure”

Metrolinx Dumps the TTC as an LRT Partner. What Does that Mean for Us?

The Digital Revolution: How Consumers Are Driving the Future of Games Retail

traditional game industry is really in a freefall