Angry Robot

Why Japan embraced nuclear power after suffering the atomic bomb

A Letter to Our Readers About Digital Subscriptions

NYT is rolling out their subscription in plan, first in Canada, then the world. It’s $15/mo for smartphone + website, $20/mo for tablet + website. 20 pages free a month. Suddenly I have an incentive to not read the Times.

Outside In

a homebrew IMAX film that uses only photographic images from space probes to create a long-take tour of the solar system. (via)

Bullying Victim Snaps


Trails of Tarnation

Cowboy web series from the creator of Perry Bible Fellowship and friends


Threat of nuclear meltdown sparks a quiet panic in Japan

poor Japan. what a nightmare

20 Sad Etsy Boyfriends

modeling their girlfriends’ crafty creations

Rob Ford: Cycling advocate?

by Dave Meslin. Points out that Ford supports separated bike lanes.

iPad 2 release spells a bleak 2011 for other tablet makers

this is on point. Other tablets can prosper by either being cheaper or different than the iPad, but not by copying it (and being more expensive)

J. Hasbien – Talent Agent to the Sci-Fi Stars

a classic

The Disposable Woman

About Sheen’s history of abusing women. Also from waxy

The Uses of Charlie Sheen, A Wittgensteinian Investigation.

good question: how much of this is performance?

YouTube – Winning – a Song by Charlie Sheen

autotune the news style. (via)

The Technium: Computational X

Kevin Kelly is writing a lot more this year, which is great.

The Paleo Diet: A Link Primer

I’m kind of fascinated by some of the theories behind this diet right now. Not sure I could pull it off though.

Video: Inside Google’s Self-Driving Cars

craziness (via)

Viral videos a slippery slope for late-night hosts

ratings are consistently down among late-night talk shows as people increasingly just watch choice bits online. Question is, would those bits still get play in the absence of the hour-long show?

EU raids publishers in ebook price-fixing probe

“ebooks … can cost more than twice as much as their printed cousins.” Which makes no goddamned sense.

Minecraft developer Mojang announces new game 'Scrolls'

Jerry Holkins from Penny Arcade also involved. Sounds great.

Magicka: Vietnam

in the running for greatest title ever. Up there with “Magic Cop” and “Space Precinct”. PC only though, sad.

The Very Rich Indie Writer

encouraging developments from the Kindle store – indie ebooks are selling for less yet making their writers more money than traditional publishers’ fare. (via)

Deadly Premonition is the Game of the Year (Part 1)

very tempted to check this out. (via)

It's the Inequality, Stupid

a series of graphs that will make you upset about income inequality in the US. (via)

Shock Doctrine, U.S.A.

Krugman sees Klein’s theory at work in Wisconsin