Angry Robot

Dream Review #9

I was composing some music in GarageBand. P-ron, looking over my shoulder, said, “hey, you’re using a Republican drum loop…?” I hadn’t meant to – I didn’t know sounds could belong to parties.

Maybe a fear-of-gay dream? Maybe I love music because it seems less plagued by politics? A thought-provoking dream. However, the characters were stock and the plot didn’t go anywhere. I give this dream two and a half stars.

3 comments on "Dream Review #9"

  1. Hail, fellow Roman!

    I found your blog through the “blogus caesari”, and found this latter when searching for a map of gaul at the time of Caesar’s campaigns. I’ve just read the last 4 ou 5 entries here but you write well and I guess I’ll be checking back often.

    You are invited to visit my own blog too, but I write most of it in portuguese. When I find interesting texts in English out there in the net I quote (and link) without translating, so part of it should be readable at least. I may start a blog in English in the future, if I ever have the patience to keep TWO blogs…

    Before you ask, no, it’s not a collection of comentarii on the civil war by Marcus Agrippa, but I like ancient history. And I also like that cool (now ancient) sci-fi series where there is a space destroyed called Agrippa too… ;^)

  2. Dammit! I meant to type space destroyER.

  3. eL says:

    Hmmm… I think I’ll wait until that dream comes out on DVD ;-P

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