Angry Robot

Blog Conference Speaker?

Sounds unlikely, I know. But it happened: I spoke at Rogers Publishing‘s MagsNorth conference, on the topic of weblogs. I covered the Blogging 101 part, Sandy dealt with blogging vs. journalism. It went rockin’ well, with lots of good discussion. The attendees included a few who knew little of the web, and two webloggers: Jay and someone whose name (and site) escaped me. Thanks to all who put this together & got me in there – I had a blast!

2 comments on "Blog Conference Speaker?"

  1. jay says:

    Hey, thanks for mentioning me here. Your presentation was very interesting as I didn’t know the complete history of Weblogging. Both you and Sandy have inspired me to rethink how I blog and how I have it set up. It was great to meet you and hopefully you will make it out to a event sometime. You know, meet internet people in real life. lol.

  2. D says:

    Yeah, in fact I’ve meant to do that for a while (attend GTAblogger event). Glad you liked my spiel. Did you know the name of the guy who had a blog on his band’s site?

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