Angry Robot

Wind turbines are getting taller, bigger, and more powerful

If I’m reading it right, one of the new big ones (height of Eiffel Tower) could power 1 million homes.

Nasa’s ambitious plan to save Earth from a supervolcano

Yellowstone explodes roughly every 600,000 years, and it is about 600,000 years since it last exploded, which should cause us to sit up and take notice.

Yup! (thanks y)

India Cancels Mega Plans To Build Coal Power Stations Due To Falling Solar Energy Prices

For the first time solar is cheaper than coal in India and the implications this has for transforming global energy markets is profound.

All fossil-fuel vehicles will vanish in 8 years in twin ‘death spiral’ for big oil and big autos, says study that’s shocking the industries

This speedy revolution, a Stanford economist says, will be driven by technology, not climate policies — and while his timing may be off a few years, there is little doubt about the direction

Over 100 Finnish election candidates – Greens included – call for small nuclear reactors for district heating

US solar power employs more people than oil, coal and gas combined, report shows