Karl Rove's New MOW
The only way this could get better is if it were a musical: The W Story, produced by “a White House insider.” (via y, and before you get mad at me this doesn’t count toward the competition, OK?)
The only way this could get better is if it were a musical: The W Story, produced by “a White House insider.” (via y, and before you get mad at me this doesn’t count toward the competition, OK?)
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Just so you know, I didn’t find the ‘printer-friendly version’, of this story, so it will self-destruct in the next 10 hours. Unless – for the love of God! – you do something about it!
Not that I’ve appointed myself judge…but I think this one should count.
Y – I did. You can copy my link there.
But jeez – these newspapers have to sort out their permalinks. Is it so awful to keep all the archives up?
Cannot wait for General Wesley K. Clark to run this country for Black American’s too have a piece of the American Pie!